A foundational tool of active design, feature stairs can help combat the inactivity epidemic and improve occupants' physical health and well-being. Learn How
Integrating feature stairs in higher education institutions supports recruitment efforts and positively impacts the institution's reputation. Discover how they can further benefit higher education institutions.
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Meet The Team

Faces of Synergi: Meet Daniel Higuera

Daniel Higuera professional headshot

Faces of synergi:
meet Daniel higuera

Each of our individual skills, interests and life experiences create the synergies that drive our company forward.

Business Developer and Architect, Daniel (known as Dani around the office) Higuera!

Dani is an Architect from the University of the Andes in Colombia. He holds a certificate in Urban Design at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation in NYC. Before completing his Masters in Management at Duke, he was hired to work as an architect in Paris for the award winning firm AWP which was involved in master plan projects in France, Russia, Switzerland Hungary and the UK.


What attracted you to a degree in architecture?

The idea that architecture is much more than brick and mortar boxes. Architecture is the elegant meeting point between the arts, politics, economics, history, philosophy, and anthropology.


Which architect or architecture firm inspires you most and why?

Peter Zumthor, a swiss architect. Zumthor’s work vibrates in the space and the attention to detail in his buildings turns the raw materiality into timeless poetry. 


Favorite building in the world?

Convento de las Capuchinas by Luis Barragan in Mexico City.


What does your professional and educational background bring to your role at Synergi?

The value add of grasping what is vital to the architect from a design standpoint and turning that very concept into a basis of our sales pitch to the Owner and the General Contractor.

Besides crushing KPI’s, what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I like to run outdoors in extreme heat, travel to interesting places, and draw.

Who is your biggest role model and how have they influenced your life? 

My father. The man patiently went with me to every single Hockey practice when I was a kid (4-5 times per week). He taught me to be resilient, creative, and persistent.

Any hidden or surprising talents most people wouldn’t guess you possess?

Apparently being a master of ceremonies for company strategy launches?

One fun fact about you?

I live in one of the smallest condos Washington DC offers.


Posted by Synergi on April 12th, 2020

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