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Fastbeds-NA COVID-19 Emergency Relief Products

In response to widespread hospital bed and hand sanitizer shortages amidst the coronavirus outbreak, Synergi teamed up with other manufacturing industry leaders to form Fastbeds-NA, a joint venture that manufactures a range of COVID-19 products, including emergency relief beds and multiple hand sanitizer stations for use across the country.

Synergi Fastbeds-NA COVID-19 Emergency Relief Products

With a mission to provide a quick relief solution to hospitals and care centers suffering from accommodation difficulties, the mobile, steel frame emergency relief beds have been designed and fabricated to the highest-quality standard while providing quick setup. The hand sanitizer stations can be used at various locations and are available with low, medium, and/or high traffic volumes to fit respective needs.


To view all available products, specifications, and more, please visit www.fastbeds-na.com.