A foundational tool of active design, feature stairs can help combat the inactivity epidemic and improve occupants' physical health and well-being. Learn How
Integrating feature stairs in higher education institutions supports recruitment efforts and positively impacts the institution's reputation. Discover how they can further benefit higher education institutions.

Our integrated delivery program links standardization with customization, providing the efficiency of precision-manufacturing without sacrificing design. We bring your vision to life while providing owners with reduced risk and cost, schedule, and scope certainty.

A Strategic Advantage
for Owners & Developers

Industry benchmarks show that 35% of typical construction projects are behind schedule, while 49% are over budget. With these outcomes, owners are looking for a more efficient, productive and cost-effective way to build.

Through its integrated approach, Synergi's prefabricated turnkey stair packages deliver enhanced value by combining the design flexibility that comes from years of experience and the industry's best along with the precision-manufacturing of offsite construction, while prioritizing efficiency, sustainability, and health and wellness for your project's key stakeholders and future occupants.

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Modular Construction & Prefabrication Information

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Installation Made Faster & Easier

What are modular construction and prefabrication?

Most of us are probably familiar with conventional construction methods. Used for centuries, “traditional” construction describes linear building methods, where each individual step is not only constructed entirely (or largely) on site, but also needs to be completed before the project can move on to the next phase.

A relatively new trend, modularized construction and prefabrication are the building industry’s answer to existing inefficiencies. Modular construction is an off-site based construction method, during which individual components are manufactured (or ‘prefabricated’) in a factory, transported to the site entirely (or mostly) complete and assembled on location.

Our modular construction and prefabrication strategies reduce overall project risk through improved cost and schedule certainty, and greater supply chain controls, without compromising a project’s overall design.

— Why prefabricate?

Improve Quality & Increase Efficiency

Offsite construction extends the project site; while site work is being completed, the prefab components are being manufactured in the plant which, as a controlled environment, results in more precision and better quality. Because the entire stair section is already assembled upon arrival to the job site, installation time is reduced. The difference in time spent onsite diminishes from an estimated two to three weeks per stair section for traditional installation approaches to as little as two to three days.

These time-savings have a snowball effect – the sooner the stairs are installed, the sooner other trades can resume their work. The collective effect of the diminished timeline for these individual elements can make a significant impact on your project’s schedule, overall – especially applied across multiple-stair projects – which generally has a positive impact on the budget, as well. Design reuse and replicated production processes also eliminate the costs integral to developing many varying designs and each design’s ensuing production processes.

“Manufacturing building components off-site provides for more controlled conditions and allows for improved quality and precision in the fabrication of the component.”

— National Institute of Standards and Technology & National Research Council
Image Credit Modular Building Institute
Accelerate Your Return On Investment


time savings over traditional construction

Linear construction requires every step to be completed before the next can begin. Simultaneous in-factory and on-site work make modular construction up to 50% faster to occupancy.

Faster Occupancy

Inconsistent labor yield threaten quality in traditional construction. Prefabrication offers a consistent, quality-controlled manufacturing process.

Better Quality

Since all stick-built construction occurs on-site, the schedule is dependent on weather conditions and other factors. Modular elements, by comparison, arrive on-site up to 95% complete.

Fewer Impediments

Decrease Site Labor & Improve Safety

The construction industry is currently facing a labor shortage that continues to decline relative to demand. Less reliant on skilled labor availability, prefabricated components can be fit into place without any need for measuring and cutting onsite, enabling construction to be completed much faster and with far fewer workers. In addition to faster and more efficient jobsites, prefabrication dramatically increases the safety of workers, as well as future building tenants. Shorter construction schedules with fewer workers in the field also reduces the chances of accidents, diminishing insurance rates, as well as potential legal fees.

The combination of fewer workers onsite and no extraneous materials results in construction sites that are smaller, quieter, cleaner, and safer. “By moving to prefabrication, the construction industry and its workers can experience a much safer environment by a factor of 2.”

— From a study performed by the University of Utah
Modular Construction Synergi - JBG Smith HQ - Bethesda, MD_01

Modular Construction



Sustainable Construction Operations

The decision to prefabricate provides the opportunity to offset a project's environmental impact by reducing transportation pollution. Transportation of monolithic steel components is traditionally cost and pollution heavy, and each truckload produces CO2, contributing to embodied carbon emissions. Traditional “stick-built” stairs require many shipments to be made to the jobsite to transport the building materials, crew members, and left-over materials and construction waste away from the job site upon completion. Prefabricated stairs, by comparison, can be transported to the job site in fewer and more compact shipments. By minimizing the number of truckloads, transportation’s contribution to embodied carbon emissions is diminished.


Efficient Transportation

Learn more about why and how we develop a prefabrication strategy; how it reduces owner risk and impacts your bottom line; and how, employed as part of our integrated system, modular construction and prefabrication building methods can drive the overall cost of your project down.

Get in touch with us today.