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Synergi News

Synergi’s Most Liked Posts in 2019


synergi’s top linkedin posts in 2019

From an office move to expanding our team to both completing and starting many iconic projects—2019 was one for the books. Here is a look back at the posts you enjoyed the most; many of which were our favorite Synergi moments, too!

1. Our Big Move

In August of 2019, Synergi moved into a brand new 42,000-square-foot facility nestled in Howard County. Our new office was built with employees in-mind including a large café area for lunch and connectivity, multiple huddle spaces for collaboration, high ceilings and large windows for natural light, and modern décor to tie it all together. To read the full press release from our official ribbon cutting celebration, click here.

2. Our First Team Site Tour

Synergi has had the privilege of working on over 200 projects in Washington, DC and in July of this year, we hosted our first ‘Synergi Site Tour’ to introduce some of our team to a few of them. We all spend so much time working on these iconic projects in one way or another before and during construction but rarely get to experience them in person. This new initiative was the first of many site tours we’ve begun implementing to help change that.

3. Site Supervisor Appreciation Day

Every year, Synergi hosts Site Supervisor Appreciation Day followed by a Thanksgiving Office Party to give thanks to our team out in the field while also bringing everyone together. It is rare that the whole company is in one place at the same time, so this fun-filled, two-day event is special for all of us. This year, we took our Site Supervisors and Project Managers to Autobahn Speedway for a professional go-kart experience and then headed to Guinness Brewery for a tour and tasting.

4. Company Strategy 2019

At the start of this year, our team gathered to discuss the company’s strategy for 2019. The afternoon included breakout sessions and team-building exercises. Those of us not used to operations got the opportunity to put in a little elbow grease and a lot of teamwork to assemble a few samples of our glass railing systems. Keeping the whole team in the loop is extremely important to us and it was a rewarding day for all.

5. Black-Tie Event at The REACH

In September, we attended a black-tie event in celebration of The REACH at The Kennedy Center opening its doors. This was an exciting evening for many reasons but seeing our dynamic glass and cable railings come to life was a real treat!

There is one common theme in all our top posts: people­—both our team and our clients—which serves as a wonderful testament as to what makes Synergi well, Synergi. We wouldn’t be able to operate effectively and efficiently if not for those we work alongside and we’re grateful for the opportunity to serve our team, our clients and those who get to enjoy these iconic projects every day.

As we usher in the new year with enthusiasm, we also reflect on 2019 with pride and admiration. Great strides have been made in building innovation and we are proud to work alongside people like you who have helped make the journey both fulfilling and rewarding.

May the new year bring joy, happiness and prosperity to you and yours!

Click here to follow along with our adventures in the new year!

Posted by Synergi on December 30th, 2019

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